
Colon Compass

Colon Compass TEAM Ann Seliger,Chloe Woodin,Sarrah Hussain CLIENT Anne Altemus,Jeff Day YEAR 2023 MEDIA Adobe Illustrator, Figma DESCRIPTION Colon Compass is a mock website designed for a lay audience and people who want to learn more about colorectal cancer. My team members and I together performed user-centered research, wireframed the website, and developed written site content. My role in the team was to propose concepts for and sketch assets, which were then rendered by other team members. Process & Storyboards Our team first planned the flow of the website, then created a low-fidelity prototype in Figma. After performing usability testing, we developed high-fidelity storyboards for Colon Compass.

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Proximal Femur: Bloodflow and Fractures

Proximal Femur: Bloodflow and Fractures CLIENT Jeff Day, Jennifer Fairman YEAR 2023 MEDIA Zbrush, Adobe Surface Painter, Unity DESCRIPTION The outcome for patients who su er hip fractures can be dependent on how the fracture impacts bloodflow to the proximal femur. This interactive describes four types of hip fractures and the arteries supplying the proximal femur. An introductory page provides brief context for the interactive module. The main interactive allows users to rotate, zoom in, and click on a three-dimensional model. A side bar lists the names of fracture types and arteries. When a name is clicked, it is highlighted in the model and a brief description appears in the side bar. By viewing selected arterial and bony structures alongside the text description, users can correlate anatomy with potential fracture outcomes.

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